Monday, May 26, 2014

the world outside of work

Well, it's been a fun-filled few weeks so far, job hunting and getting myself acquainted with my new Raleigh digs! Friday I felt extra motivated to get one last workout in before the holiday weekend, so I dragged myself to a Total Body Conditioning class at O2 with a group of ladies a few decades older than me. Raleigh seems to have an abundance of women like this, who either don't have jobs or must have pretty flexible work situations. I was really impressed by these ladies' endurance, especially since a few of them could've been my grandmother. I felt like a bit of an outsider since I'm pretty sure they know who the regulars are and I was not one of them. Being between jobs is pretty interesting because you get to see what this "other world" is like. I would just be so crazy fit if I could just land a rich husband or win the lottery!

On my way out I stopped by the tiny Dunkin Donuts to get an iced coffee and snapped this picture. There were at least 5-6 cars in the drive thru line all morning. In the time it took me to park, run in, and get back to my car, maybe one or two cars got their orders. This is a major difference between Raleigh and DC -- people down here drive everywhere and are willing to wait for their coffee fix at a ridiculously long drive thru line. DC people would walk blocks and pay an exorbitant amount of money for a Starbucks latte. Both seem kinda crazy, but it struck me as funny how different people's coffee habits can be in different locales. Nevertheless, we all love our coffee and are willing to sacrifice for it ;)

In honor of Memorial Day, here's a pic from my ice cream truck experience in Portsmouth yesterday. Decided to go with the classic bomb pop for this patriotic occasion :) Happy Memorial Day, everyone!!

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