Tuesday, July 8, 2014

blackberries and baking my way to adulthood

I have a somewhat irrational fear of not becoming domestic enough in time for my adult life. Since I'm still in my emerging adulthood phase and don't yet have a family of my own, I don't cook what I consider to be real, "adult meals" very often. When I go home to visit my parents, my mom usually makes something that makes me think "Wow, I hope I learn how to make these types of things so I can be a fully-functioning adult who can play hostess one day." I know that it's crucial to practice cooking/baking these things before I actually have to make them for guests, so every once in a while I get kinda antsy thinking I better get serious before it's too late.

Last week I had a little escape from Raleigh, so when I returned I was really excited to see that the farm by my house had blackberries ready for picking. One of my favorite things about where I live is the close proximity to Page Farms. My brother came down for the Fourth, so we stopped by and grabbed as many beautiful blackberries as we could before heading to the pool.

So back to my desire for domestic experience -- I searched Pinterest for a recipe to try with my blackberries (but nothing too difficult because I don't even have a mixer). I decided on one for Blackberry Pie Bars since most of the ingredients were already in my pantry. Nothing about the recipe was difficult and I got to use my favorite tool, the handheld grater, to zest the lemon. Check out the result below...

All in all, I'd say this mission was a success. I know my future guests will need more sustenance than a berry dessert, but I'll get there... one recipe at a time.

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